
Torrance Council Names 17 to City Committees

The Torrance City Council has made five new appointments to city commissions and reappointed 12 commissioners.

Paul Jacobsen, a systems support engineer and pilot, was appointed to the Airport Commission. Commissioner James McKee, a retired Air Force pilot, was appointed to a second term.

Linda Dozier, a financial communications specialist, was named to the Cable Television Advisory Board. The council also reappointed board member Vera Little, a Torrance Unified School District teacher.


Bookkeeper Pam O’Brien, a commission and City Council “watcher” for the Southwood Homeowners Assn., was appointed to the Environmental Quality Commission.

Sally Stowe, a part-time instructional assistant at Victor School, was given a seat on the Library Commission.

Accountant Gary Kuwahara, a board member of a community group that creates programs for handicapped and underprivileged children, was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The commission chairwoman, Gene Drevno, was appointed to a second term.


Other commissioners appointed to second terms were Gerry Rische, Civil Service Commission; Meredith Eick, Disaster Council; Gelinda Quintile and O. James Vogl, Fine Arts Commission; Irene Harter, Human Resources Commission; Don Lee, Planning Commission; May Amemiya, Lila Lee Barnes and Larry Gitschier, Senior Citizens Council; William Johnson and Gerald Snyder, Traffic Commission, and Perry Baker, Water Commission.
