
Pasadena : Drug-Free Zones Weighed

Drug-free zones may be established soon around schools and parks under a resolution to be drafted by the city attorney.

At its Tuesday meeting, the Pasadena Board of Directors instructed the city attorney to devise a resolution that would allow the posting of signs within 1,000 feet of each of the city’s 21 parks and 42 public and private schools. The cost for two signs at each location is estimated at $8,500.

State and federal laws allow the imposition of double penalties for drug dealers convicted of selling their wares within 1,000 feet of schools. Although the state law applies only to crack cocaine dealers around schools, federal law applies to all narcotics and to areas surrounding parks and private youth centers.


The laws have existed for years, but only a few cities nationwide have posted drug-free warning signs. The idea was advanced in Pasadena by Mayor William Thomson and City Director Chris Holden.
