
Judge’s Disability

Just a bleeding-heart minute, now. I’m not paying taxes to give a 44-year-old lawyer a $50,000 annual disability pension because of “stage fright.” If Joseph Davis didn’t like being a judge (Part A, Feb. 14), he should have found some other line of work. Are we going to give a pension to the coal miner who suffers from claustrophobia? To the pilot-aspirant washing out of the Air Force Academy because his eyesight fails? To the telephone lineman who develops vertigo? To the doctor who becomes nauseated by the sight of blood? To the actor who has real stage fright? Give me, and the rest of the taxpayers, a break.

There is something drastically wrong, let alone disgusting, with whatever system awarded Davis a pension. He was at liberty to resign his judgeship at any time. For that matter, he can quit being a lawyer if he can’t stand the tension.


Laguna Beach
