
Schools Raise Grade Limit for Extra Activities

After several weeks of study, the Irvine Unified School District Board of Trustees voted unanimously Tuesday to increase the minimum requirements to participate in most extracurricular activities. Sports are excepted.

Any high school student who fails a class or does not maintain a 2.5 (C+) grade-point average will not be allowed to take part in such activities as cheerleading and student government.

The new policy will apply to the 5,850 students who attend the district’s three high schools. Previously, each high school was allowed to develop its own standards for participation in extracurricular activities.


The new district policy was prompted by a Woodbridge High School cheerleader who complained that she and other pep squad members were discriminated against since they were the only ones to whom the “no F” rule applied. Other students holding positions of responsibility, including student body officers, student council members and athletes, were allowed to fail a class and still participate in extracurricular activities.

The school board directed the district staff to divide extracurricular activities into two categories based on the time commitment required.

Cheerleaders, other pep squad members and student body officers were placed in the year-round category. Those students will be held to the higher standards.


Athletes and students participating in the performing arts were placed into a partial-year category. They must only maintain a 2.0 grade-point average.

During the meeting, the mother of the cheerleader who originally complained said she would file suit charging the school district with discrimination. “Clearly there is a bias on the part of athletics,” said Patricia Passy.
