
Clippers’ Benjamin Has Car Stolen at Gunpoint After Visiting Friend

Clipper center Benoit Benjamin was robbed of his $75,000 560 SEL Mercedes Benz automobile by a 5-foot-6 gunman who fired one shot in the air as he demanded the keys to the car Wednesday night, sheriff’s deputies reported.

“He was accosted by the bandit as he left a friend’s house and walked to the driveway to get into the Mercedes,” Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Roger Hom said.

Benjamin was leaving the house about 7:45 p.m. in the 1100 block of West 90th Street in an unincorporated area adjacent to Los Angeles, Hom said. Benjamin, who was not injured, said he handed over the keys and the gunman, described as a “19-year old black man” backed the car out and headed toward Vermont Avenue, Hom said.
