
Bugged by Water Issue

Does anyone else out there get angry when they hear requests for water conservation? Everyone proposing that solution wants us to believe that it is our civic duty as responsible citizens to conserve water.

Someone please correct me if my logic is wrong, but I think the water conservation option is absurdly unfair.

Is my conserving really going to save water? Of course not. Instead, politicians and developers are still going to work together to approve new residential or commercial developments. The result is that I give up some of the quality of my life (dirtier car, dirtier clothes and dishes, less attractive garden, etc.) so that someone else, who already has a home somewhere, can now move here instead.


What have I gained by conserving? I’ll tell you what: more developments, more cars, more pollution and a near guarantee that down the road politicians are going to request more taxes to provide more water and better transportation.

If my logic is correct, people should refuse to conserve unless the saved water can be used to improve, not destroy, the quality of my life. I don’t see how politicians can ask people to conserve water and approve new housing at the same time.


Costa Mesa
