
‘19 Desires’ Are Chastity Guidelines

Associated Press

Here are the “19 Desires” of the National Chastity Assn.:

1. To appreciate all the following ideas for their several practical benefits, besides freedom from the threat of AIDS and other venereal diseases and besides any concept of God and divine law.

2. To be eventually married.

3. To be married as opposed to having any sexual relationship or commitment outside of marriage, including “living together.”

4. To marry someone who will be “in love” with you throughout life.

5. To marry someone who will be your best friend.

6. To marry someone to whom hand-holding, kissing, caressing and sexual intercourse mean special experiences of mutual, exclusive, faithful and romantic love.


7. To marry someone who will be totally honest with you.

8. To marry someone who will be totally faithful to you.

9. That all personal friendships with people of the opposite sex become inactive after marriage, except where the friendships and all activities thereof are shared by both marriage partners.

10. To be married until the death of one of the partners.

11. To remain unmarried until you have been emotionally autonomous for at least two years; that is, free of emotional and behavior disorders.

12. To have and to use at least a mental list of qualifications for compatibility in choosing a marriage partner.


13. To marry someone who never lies to anyone about anything, except in cases where someone’s life or body is threatened.

14. To save the feelings of being “in love” until you are actually married.

15. To save hand-holding, kissing, caressing and sexual intercourse until marriage.

16. To have only non-exclusive (not “steady”) relationships while single.

17. To be very close friends with someone for at least two years before even wanting to marry him or her.

18. To have an engagement period that is no longer than is necessary to make wedding arrangements.


19. To marry someone who has all of the above desires.

Inquiries about the National Chastity Assn. may be sent to P.O. Box 402, Oak Forest, Ill., 60452, and must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
