
U.S. Facing Illiteracy Crisis

Thank you for the front page attention to the problem of illiteracy in America. It is important that the issue be recognized as central to the future of America. Our productivity, our technological future and our democratic society depend upon a literate society--not simply an educated elite.

It is a time for coalition building; a time for combining efforts within our communities to remediate the adults and motivate the children.

It is time to support the efforts of educators, professional and volunteer, working through our schools, public libraries and organizations such as Reading Is Fundamental, Laubach and the California Literacy Campaign. These organizations and many more in our communities are attempting to reach out to assist the poor and illiterate to help themselves and their children.


Congress has declared 1991 as the year of the Lifetime Reader. It is not too soon to begin thinking about the important role that “reading” plays in our daily lives and to begin to support efforts to bring literacy to all.


Coordinator of Youth Services

Los Angeles County Public Library
