
Abused Teen Shelter--Education Sacrificed at Budget Altar

The account you published (“Abused Teens Shelter Has Wolf at the Door,” Aug. 9) regarding the ending of funding for shelters for abused and wayward teens must have been very difficult for you to print.

This action by the Orange County Board of Supervisors reflects the thinking of most of them and their supporters that rejects the premise that we have laws that protect the rights of women to determine the use of their bodies.

They also feel that tax proceeds should not be used to sex educate our teens or to provide for those who were born to mothers who were not able to benefit from such education.


In fact, education at any level, and for any group or purpose, is at a very low priority for members of this group of our citizenry, and support is even lower.

Our esteemed governor agrees with them and finds it is very comfortable to balance the budget by reducing or eliminating funding for education and welfare, as children don’t vote, and welfare recipients are too busy trying to find a place to live or food to eat as opposed to voting for their rights.

Instead of approving a sales tax increase to improve our highways for the benefit of developers (one that has been twice rejected by Orange County), we should be considering a sales tax to benefit our more unfortunate citizens.


But, of course, that wouldn’t benefit those who have sacrificed so much to be able to contribute funds for the reelection of our officials.

We live in and enjoy one of the most affluent areas of our country. Why should we accept the calloused attitude of our elected officials?

Write to them, call them, attend their meetings, let them know that their attitude is totally unacceptable to this society. If they don’t change, vote them out of office. But remember that you have to vote in order to do that.



Newport Beach
