
NATION : Zodiac Killer Again a No-Show

<i> From Times wire services</i>

The Zodiac gunman was a no-show again.

Police ended their fourth dragnet of the summer today without catching the shooter, who has killed one man and injured three others since March 8 and has promised to strike again.

The Zodiac task force went out Wednesday night anticipating a possible pre-dawn attack by the astrology-obsessed gunman, who apparently has not shot anyone since June 21.

This morning was considered key because it was 63 days from the gunman’s last attack. The four shootings attributed to Zodiac between March 8 and June 21 have been on Thursdays at intervals of 21 or 63 days.


Also of possible significance: The astrological sign of Virgo began today. The gunman has vowed in rambling letters to police and the news media to shoot one person for each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac. So far, his victims have been a Scorpio, a Taurus, a Gemini and a Cancer.
