
Eastern to Equip Jets With Air Telephones

United Press International

Passengers on Eastern Airlines jets will soon be able to reach out and touch someone from any row on a plane, under an agreement between the struggling carrier and GTE Airfone.

GTE Airfone of Oak Brook, Ill., will install telephones in each seat row aboard Eastern’s fleet of 150 or so jetliners, the companies said.

Eastern said first-class fliers will each have their own phone. In coach, travelers will have to share one phone per row.


Terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Eastern, which hopes to woo business travelers to fuel an ascent out of Chapter 11 bankruptcy, said in-flight telephones have become increasingly popular among fliers, especially business people.

The airline, which filed for bankruptcy in March, 1989, recently said it will double the number of first-class seats available on its flights and offer those seats at coach rates in an effort to attract business travelers.
