
BIOTECH / BIOMEDICAL : I-Flow Corp. Gets U.S. Approval to Sell Self-Infusion Device

Compiled by Leslie Berkman and Danielle A. Fouquette, Times staff writers

I-Flow Corp. said Monday that it has received federal permission to market its first line of high-tech home infusion medical equipment.

Donald M. Earhart, the company’s chief executive officer, said the device is lightweight and computerized, enabling a patient to receive up to four infusions of drugs or nutrients either one at a time or simultaneously.

“This is the product we will finally go to market with,” said Earhart, adding that the potential market for the device is greater than $500 million a year in the United States.


Currently, he said, patients who need chemotherapy or other treatments with more than one drug or a combination of drugs and nutrients are using several single-channel pumps or cumbersome hospital systems. By contrast, Earhart said, patients can use the I-Flow equipment in their homes or take it with them to work or on a trip, carrying it in small bags.

Earhart said I-Flow is trying to raise additional funds from private investors to cover anticipated production costs.
