
WEEKEND TV : Ghosts of ‘SNL’ Yule Sketches Past

The weekend news shows are expected to argue all aspects of the resignation of Soviet foreign minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze. The rest of the schedule will be stuffed with the quintessential movie stars from days gone by, Christmases past and Time magazine’s look at this fleeting year.

The 12-hour, six-film “Cary Grant Marathon” on cable’s American Movie Classics begins today at 10 a.m. with “Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House.”

“Images of 1990--a Time Television Special,” airing on Channel 9 tonight at 9 and Sunday at 11 p.m., examines the issues, industries, people and politics--everyone from Bart Simpson to Nelson Mandela--that made headlines in 1990.


Tonight at 11:30, “Saturday Night Live” will air a collection of Christmas sketches from the show’s 15-year history.
