
Dannemeyer and the Raw Milk Dairies

Regarding Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) “going to bat” for raw milk (Feb. 2), it seems to me as though he is quite a bit beyond his limited expertise on the subject.

As the senior Republican member of the health and environment subcommittee, Mr. Dannemeyer would be a far better representative for his constituents if he would strongly back up the California Department of Public Health in prohibiting the sale of raw milk from dairy herds found infected with bacteria potentially dangerous to human health.

These raw milk bacteria are particularly hazardous to people of low immune capacity and neonatal infections (intrauterine infections). It is especially dangerous to infants.


As a veterinarian long associated with the State Animal Disease Control Laboratory System, I strongly oppose easing controls on the sale of raw milk. Too often outbreaks of salmonella, E. coli and listeria have occurred in the past because of drinking raw milk with resulting serious illnesses and deaths.

The saving of only one infant would make mandatory pasteurization worthwhile.

DAVID S. CLARK, D.V.M., Anaheim
