
Hollywood at War

Most of the usually vocal stars are simply waiting to see which way the wind blows. If Iraq pulls out of Kuwait or if a land war concludes with a relatively small human cost, then most of the Hollywood anti-war crowd will either keep mum or support “our boys.” However, if the war drags on and public support begins to wane, you can bet they’ll be out manning the ramparts.

The reason for celebrities’ failure to stand up and be counted probably has little to do with mixed feelings about the war and actually more to do with their bank accounts. With about 80% of the public supporting the war, it is clear that anyone vocally opposing it is in danger of becoming the “Hanoi Jane” of the ‘90s.

Over the years, it became apparent that the Vietnam anti-war movement consisted mainly of college protesters who care strongly about war only when they could be called to serve. Where were they when the Soviets invaded Czechoslovakia or Afghanistan? Only Joan Baez and a few other personalities had the conviction to speak up when Pol Pot murdered millions in the killing fields of Cambodia.


Hollywood dilettantes now have to worry it is becoming clear that their only real commitment is to self-indulgence.


Los Angeles
