
The New Center for Asian Senior Citizens

We were delighted at seeing the story about our seniors (“Asian Seniors to Have Place of Their Own,” Feb. 13).

However, there is one important error of fact which we wish to correct: The contribution from the city of Santa Ana toward the building of our new, $1.3-million center amounted to a total of $450,000, not just $270,000 as stated in the story.

Without the additional $180,000 from Santa Ana, which made its construction equal to the grant we received from the state, our new center could not have been built.


In addition, the nature of the event, I am afraid, was not made quite clear in the story. The event was the annual Tet celebration of our seniors in the community. It has been held every year since our senior program started its operation in 1984 (not with the opening of the center as seems to be implied in the story).

It was not an open house, which is still about two months away and to which all of our benefactors and sponsors, including city, county, and state officials, will be invited.

MAI CONG, President, Vietnamese Community of Orange County
