
Lithuanian Independence

Lithuanian-Americans are grateful to see the attention given to Lithuania’s struggle for freedom by The Times. Though the article by John-Thor Dahlburg (“West Is Also Likely to Ignore Lithuania Vote,” Part A, Feb. 11) looks too pessimistic at the time when Lithuanian people need encouragement in their struggle for independence, we are most disappointed by your dateline, which indicated the article originated in “Vilnius, Soviet Union.” This usage is considered incorrect by the United States and all NATO partners, by the Vatican and by Australia. Even Communist China never recognized Lithuania as being a part of the Soviet Union.

In the “Inside Today’s Times” column (front page, Feb. 11) you write: “Lithuanians’ landslide vote in favor of independence may be little more than a cry in the wilderness of a world divided by more far-reaching issues.” It looks as if the wilderness starts in the pages of The Times.


Lithuanian American Community

West Los Angeles Division

Santa Monica
