
Oxnard : Sexual Harassment Policy Updated

The Oxnard Elementary School District board updated its sexual harassment policy Thursday, with new policies that outline a specific complaint procedure for employees.

The elementary school district wanted to revamp its complaint procedures because the previous board policy was vague, said Kent Patterson, assistant superintendent of personnel.

“What has been done now,” Patterson said, “is to establish clear and definitive descriptions relating to sexual harassment.” Patterson said no specific incident prompted him to rework district procedures. “It’s an area that I felt needed more direction.”


The new policy states that employees are prohibited from sexually harassing other employees, parents, community members and students. If employees violate the policy, they could be disciplined or fired.

In addition, the policy states that if a management or supervisory employee becomes aware of policy violations and fails to take appropriate action, that person is also subject to discipline or possible termination.

Under the new procedures, employees complaining of sexual harassment must first notify their immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is the subject of the complaint, then the employee should complain directly to Patterson.


A written statement is requested from the complaining employee. Then a meeting is scheduled between the employee and the accused in an effort to resolve the problem.
