
San Marino : Turn-Lane Closure Denied

In an effort to maintain the exclusivity of its streets, the San Marino City Council has turned down a safety request from Alhambra to close off left-turn medians at a Huntington Drive intersection.

A number of accidents have occurred at Huntington where it intersects with Almansor Avenue to the south in Alhambra and El Molino Avenue to the north in San Marino, according to San Marino police and to a $20,000 study funded by both cities.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. March 24, 1991 For the Record
Los Angeles Times Sunday March 24, 1991 Home Edition San Gabriel Valley Part J Page 5 Column 1 Zones Desk 2 inches; 36 words Type of Material: Correction
San Marino vote--In a digest item Thursday, The Times incorrectly reported the vote of San Marino City Councilwoman Rosemary B. Simmons on a proposal to close off left-turn medians at a Huntington Drive intersection. Simmons voted against the lane closure.

But the study also found that a median closure on the San Marino side of Huntington would divert traffic to other streets in the city. So the council voted 3 to 0 to reject the proposed six-month trial closure, with Councilman W. Michael Johnson absent and Councilwoman Rosemary B. Simmons abstaining.


“We’re the victims of everyone else’s increased (population) density,” Councilman Paul C. Crowley said.

“We’re a little disappointed that they weren’t willing to try it,” said Terry James, Alhambra director of public works, who said his city plans to hold a community meeting to discuss options.
