
County Supervisors Are Asking Public for Blank Check on Jail

I feel that I must comment after reading about the decision by the Regional Justice Facilities Commission to delay hiring a financial consultant to determine the amount of money to be generated by Measure J (“Measure J Money Study Is Delayed,” March 14).

Earlier, the Board of Supervisors announced plans to spend money that they do not have to determine the value of land that is not for sale.

However, the commission recommends not spending money to determine how much Measure J will generate until it is passed since they do not have the money for such a study. Am I the only person that sees something wrong with this logic?


Regardless of my position on the Gypsum Canyon Jail, I refuse to vote for a tax increase unless the financial impact of the tax is fully disclosed to the best of the ability of the parties recommending such increase, and that they fully disclose their intentions with regard to the spending of such funds.

I have no intention of writing the Board of Supervisors a blank check, especially if I do not know if there will be sufficient funds to cover it. This is clearly an attempt by the Board of Supervisors and the Regional Justice Facilities Commission to force the Gypsum Canyon Jail upon Orange County voters regardless of the cost, and I will not be a part of it.

Thank you for making my decision on Measure M crystal clear.

