
PORT HUENEME : School District Head Nominated for Prize

The superintendent of the Hueneme Elementary School District has been nominated for the H. Charles Grawemeyer Award in Education, an international award given annually by the University of Louisville in Kentucky.

Ronald C. Rescigno was named among more than 40 teachers, professors and school administrators from schools and universities nationwide and other countries, said Diane Kyle, a university spokeswoman. The award honors someone who has contributed significantly to improving education.

Rescigno, head of the 7,200-student district in Port Hueneme since 1984, was singled out for helping pioneer the district’s use of technology in the classroom. The 54-year-old administrator was nominated by the president of Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., where he received his undergraduate degree. The university also awarded him an honorary doctorate in 1989.


The winner, to be announced later this month, will be awarded $150,000, Kyle said.
