
The Debate Over ‘Jungle Fever’ : ANOTHER VIEW

T imes staff writer Itabari Njeri’s commentary on Spike Lee’s film “Jungle Fever” (“Doing the Wrong Thing,” June 23) has prompted an outpouring from readers, with responses supporting Lee outnumbering those supporting Njeri about 2 to 1. A sampling:

Widening Lee’s World

At least Lee writes of what he knows--a time and place permeated with racism. It is regrettable that his critics have assigned to his work a universality that is perhaps not his intent.

The persona Lee has adopted for himself and the work he has produced reflect his limited experiences in life and his failure to broaden his historical, cultural and intellectual awareness.


Given 35 more years to travel “in the realms of gold,” perhaps Lee will reveal in his work less of the parochial. And perhaps by then, those who interpret his work will have placed it and its medium in proper perspective.

Meanwhile, there is a great, wide, beautiful world out there waiting for Lee. Only time will tell if he has the curiosity, humility and wisdom to explore it.


Los Angeles
