
The Debate Over ‘Jungle Fever’ : PRO-LEE

T imes staff writer Itabari Njeri’s commentary on Spike Lee’s film “Jungle Fever” (“Doing the Wrong Thing,” June 23) has prompted an outpouring from readers, with responses supporting Lee outnumbering those supporting Njeri about 2 to 1. A sampling:

The Artist as Role Model

Is it necessary for Njeri to inflict such savage commentary upon Lee? It is true that there are those who disagree with his approach and point of view. But there are also those who admire Lee as a cultural hero who has succeeded in a field that has been traditionally closed to blacks.

Lee has fired the collective imagination of black youth, who need to be sparked by someone they can relate to. In a time when nearly a quarter of all college-age black men are in prison, on parole or on probation, Lee shows them a choice. He’s not a perfect spokesman, but who is?


It is easy to crush a man and his works. But it is a completely different thing to clear away the wreckage and erect something new in his place.


Buena Park
