
Commission’s LAPD Report

Let’s be honest and face it: A major obstacle to reforming the LAPD is the silent streak of racism that still runs deep throughout American society. Too many people in Los Angeles are infected by this virus. It’s not just some LAPD officers.

The changes urgently recommended by the Christopher Commission will not be implemented without the solid support of residents in every community of this increasingly complex city.

That includes the San Fernando Valley ZIP codes where most of the letters backing Gates were mailed. And that is why timid elected public officials--specifically the members of the Los Angeles City Council--must face up to their responsibility to lead, rather than simply reflect what they think are the privately held views of their constituents.


People who are understandably fearful of becoming victims of crime want the police out there protecting them. But none will really be protected unless all understand that we are in this together and the LAPD can be effective only to the extent that it adjusts to the realities of this emerging new world city.

