
Head of Group Seeking Bradley’s Recall Resigns

Marvin Feldman, chairman of a North Hollywood-based coalition called the Bradley Recall Organization, announced Monday that he had resigned for personal and financial reasons as head of the group that is attempting to recall Mayor Tom Bradley.

The coalition was started by Bradley critics in late May after Bradley called for the resignation of Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates in the wake of the videotaped beating of Rodney G. King. Feldman, a Gates supporter, said his resignation was unrelated to findings by the Christopher Commission.

A public relations consultant, Feldman said his income has suffered and he needs to return to work.


The coalition is attempting to collect at least 184,896 signatures of registered voters by Sept. 20 in order to hold a special election to decide whether the mayor should be recalled. Feldman said the recall effort is progressing slowly.
