
A Cheap Shot at Thomas

The Times took another well-calculated cheap shot, this time at Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, in “Thomas’ Church a Center of Anti-Abortion Activity” (July 11), which was obviously written to whet the appetite of the anti-Thomas crowd.

If one reads the text of the article carefully, one finds that it really does not attack Thomas, but the headline is designed to plant seeds of suspicion. And this is what it undoubtedly did.

Obviously the writer knows little about the Episcopal Church. As a member since birth, I learned long ago there are three things to understand about the politics of Episcopalians: In every parish, there is a broad spectrum of political beliefs; not everyone believes as the rector teaches. The parish priests in every diocese do not all agree or follow the political leanings of their bishop. And across this great land, bishops vehemently disagree with one another on political matters.



Newport Beach
