
Hollywood : Farmers Market Sales Up

The Hollywood Farmers Market has been called a success in its first three months of operation.

Marion Kalb, a consultant to 17 farmers markets throughout Southern California, said most markets take a while to develop a clientele. But she described the Hollywood Farmers Market’s opening-day sales of almost $10,000 as a “phenomenal and very unusual” achievement that beats any other area market opening in the past 10 years.

The market also appears to have broken another record by showing a 30% sales increase since opening day, said Kalb, director of the Southland Farmers’ Market Assn.


The market, on Ivar Street between Hollywood Boulevard and Selma Avenue, started with 28 merchants and has grown to 40, said Pompea Smith, project director for the Hollywood Economic Revitalization Effort, which organized the market and runs it. Farmers are selling items such as fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, flowers, honey and bread.

“We’re very happy,” said Smith. “It’s the greatest thing that could have happened to Hollywood. We are improving the lives of the people in Hollywood, of all the families that have been coming.”

The market is open every Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free parking is available during market hours at the Doolittle Theater parking lot at 1623 N. Vine St.
