
‘Friendly Fire’ War Casualties

Those new “friendly fire” figures (25%) from the Gulf War are high, just as the civilian casualties would be if an accurate figure were ever released. When the military wages a total war, there are bound to be high “residential casualties.” However, since the government, with the help of the media, brainwashed the public, there has been no public outcry. A total turn around from the public’s attitude during the Vietnam War.

Now there is a strange paradox in the public’s attitude towards police--even though they are fighting a far more complicated war against crime. Here that old anti-Vietnam War-type of dislike for heavy-handed enforcement still shows.

Why the two opposite attitudes? And what will be the outcome from this? We know how the public’s attitude gutted the military’s efforts in Vietnam. Can the public expect any different results from our police this time? Not unless they believe in the tooth fairy, too.



Palm Springs
