
GROWING PAINS: Santa Ana schools have the...

GROWING PAINS: Santa Ana schools have the fastest growing enrollment in the county (A1) but also the most dramatic ethnic shift. Minorities made up 42% of the student body 20 years ago, compared to 93% today. Most of the growth has been Latinos and Vietnamese. . . . “Our goal is to make every student 100% proficient in English,” says Asst. Supt. John Bennett. “But we can’t just stop teaching them until they get to that point.” The answer has been a dramatic increase in bilingual teachers.

Enrollment Boom

Santa Ana schools have seen enrollment increase significantly over the last 20 years (School year Sept.-June). 1970: 27,412 ‘75: 27,828 ‘80: 30,749 ‘85: 36,314 ‘90: 45,964 Source: Santa Ana Unified School District
