
Liberal Policies

The liberal crowd has taken every opportunity to lampoon, in the most cynical of terms, the economic successes of the last two Administrations, a recent example of which appeared as a letter (Sept. 7). I would like to take this opportunity to make this equally cynical but wholly accurate observation of the economic principles and policies of the left.

Instead of the trickle-down theory, the liberals have adopted the gush-down theory. Under this system, the well-to-do and businesses have their taxes increased to confiscatory levels, which drives business out of business and clamps down on private capital investment. This lands thousands on the unemployment roles. At this point, the liberals make payouts to the unemployed and underemployed, backed, of necessity, by various and sundry instruments of federal debt (because their tax policies killed the businesses and drove into shelters the investment dollars that would stimulate the economy, resulting in lower, not higher, overall revenues).

The money (debt financed, of course) gushes out in a continuous and unending stream because their tax policies provide nothing but disincentives to the investment that would expand the economy and put to work those on public aid.



Playa del Rey
