
Hollywood’s Graylist: Writers and Ageism : OTHER VIEWS : It’s Not Just Writers

T imes staff writer Nina J. Easton’s article on ageism and writers in film and television (“Hey, Babes! How Old Is Too Old for Hollywood?,” Nov. 17) has produced an usually large response from readers. A sampling of their views appears here and on the facing page: Ageism in film and TV is not exclusive to writers and other creatives. Sadly, it afflicts all levels.

An executive secretary with excellent skills and media background, I searched for work for 18 months, routinely passed over by human resources departments.

My strong suspicions that I was an age victim were confirmed when I was being interviewed by the president of a cable company. Suddenly, he asked me if I had noted the youthfulness of his staff and its “incredibly high energy level.” I had not. Cold chills. “But,” he said soothingly, “you look as if you could keep up and do the job.”


I didn’t get the job. No surprise.


Los Angeles
