
Hollywood’s Graylist: Writers and Ageism : THE WRITERS : The ‘Twilight’ Years

T imes staff writer Nina J. Easton’s article on ageism and writers in film and television (“Hey, Babes! How Old Is Too Old for Hollywood?,” Nov. 17) has produced an usually large response from readers. A sampling of their views appears here and on the facing page: This reminds me of a “Twilight Zone” episode written by Rod Serling in the ‘50s about the terror of a demon child, with supernatural powers, having total control over the adults in a small town.

It is a sad commentary when an industry discards its most experienced, valued members in favor of youth. To add insult to injury, those affected are even afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation.

The Writers Guild should approach this issue with the same vigor as it has attacked every other issue affecting writers. Those in the younger set will have to understand that they too will be over 35 one day. Incidentally, as brilliant as Serling was, if he were alive today, he would be considered too old to work.



Los Angeles
