
Dying Lagoon

In an attempt to justify the lawsuit on behalf of the Sierra Club and the Audubon Society, filed to block the dredging and beautifying of Batiquitos Lagoon, Inez Yoder wrote in typical bureaucratic legalese (Letters, Nov. 24): “One of the most eminent wetland scientists of this country recommends phasing restoration and creation projects to permit the maximum amount of educated adjustment to subsequent phases. This basic (protective) principle has been ignored in the design of the proposed project.”

Say what?

Meanwhile, two fine environmental organizations, by not offering a viable alternate plan, are guilty of allowing the lagoon to die a slow and very odorous death.

Birds and animals are very adaptive to their environment. The few that might be displaced in the restoration process will be replaced by many that will call the clean, ocean-flushed body of water home.


W.W. STONER, Carlsbad
