
Bush, Pals Check Out the Action at Honky-Tonk Bar

<i> From Associated Press</i>

He’s out of town for the weekend, off on a hunting trip with his buddies. They’d just finished some barbecue and decided to stop off for a beer Friday night.

The door to the dance hall swings open and in steps the President of the United States, his friends, Secret Service agents and a few reporters.

The patrons at the Texas Grand C&W; Club were stunned. They gave him bar napkins and ball caps to autograph.


“Are you customers or are you part of the action around here,” President Bush asked several young women at the club, which features a country and western band. The women’s response could not be heard.

Bush paid for a pitcher of beer but he stayed only for one glass.

“I told Barbara I’d be home early so we’ve got to go,” Bush told Sen. Alan K. Simpson (R-Wyo.), one of his guests.

Mrs. Bush did not make the trip to Texas.
