
Anti-Semitism and Politics

Helmreich feels that Jews should not be upset by public support of candidates accused of anti-Semitism because he feels that such support has nothing to do with feelings about Jews. Certainly, no one would dare, these days, to mouth such foolishness about blacks or Asians. The fact that Duke’s and Buchanan’s supporters are unconcerned about their candidates’ anti-Semitic positions testifies to a racist streak in that support; or is anti-Semitism only of concern to Jews?

When Jew-baiting politicians gain popularity during economic hard times, Jews know what that means. They’ve seen it happen before. Were the anti-Semitic tirades of Henry Ford or Father Coughlin, whom Buchanan resembles in large measure, caused by Jews’ failure to understand how unimportant they were or by Jews “overplaying their hand”? Helmreich’s irresponsible comments are based on a profound ignorance of Jewish and American history.

