
Talking Turkey

Donald Carroll does an excellent job trying to sell Turkey in The Times’ Travel cover story on Feb. 23, and in his book, “Insider’s Guide to Turkey.” The selling tries to alter the bad image the Turks have enjoyed for years, for many good reasons.

He should be aware of the many U.N. resolutions against the Turkish government for their invasion of Cyprus in 1974 and for violating human rights in the occupied territories.

Worst of all, several facts of history have been stated in a very vague way. Reading the article, one gets the impression that Herodotus, the father of history, was a Turk. Herodotus was Greek. Halicarnassus, Ephesus and Miletus were centers of civilization long before the Turks got there. Just because they are now in Turkish territory doesn’t mean that he shouldn’t give credit where it belongs.



