
United Way Controversy

Thank you for your editorial (“Trust Reinstated,” Feb. 28) noting that 83 cents of ever dollar raised by United Way of Great Los Angeles is spent locally on needed services.

Last year, in fact, the local United Way distributed $67 million to more than 300 health and human services agencies in Greater Los Angeles, including 14 local chapters of the American Red Cross and 13 health partners.

Even though our local United Way is completely autonomous from United Way of America, the recent controversy surrounding the former national president was a source of great concern to all of us. And while William Aramony has announced his resignation, a number of troubling issues remain concerning fiduciary responsibility at the national level.


For that reason, the executive committee of the local United Way board of directors has voted to withhold its national dues and has sent a seven-point recommendation to United Way of America to ensure that these types of problems do not recur.

United Way is one of the most efficient and cost-effective fund-raising organizations in Los Angeles. Our goal continues to be that of meeting local needs. To that end, we remain dedicated to our donors and to the service agencies and partners that their dollars help to support.

ROBERT E. WYCOFF, 1991-92 Campaign Chair, United Way of Greater Los Angeles
