
Teddy Bears

The Muslim Student Union of Santa Monica High School is working hard to collect stuffed animals for the children of Iraq. It is very disappointing for us to see that the U.S. government is hindering our efforts, which are purely humanitarian.

How can the government let these children suffer for something they have not done? It is very cruel and unjust. The sanctions are killing tens of thousands of innocent children. I’m beginning to wonder whether President Bush has a heart.

Teddy bears are a symbol of love and we, the Muslim Student Union, love these children. We are grieving at the fact that the Iraqi children might not be able to receive our sympathy and affections. These toys will bring a smile to their faces and a little bit of happiness. Isn’t that enough of a reason to send them?


We will continue collecting stuffed animals and protesting against the sanctions.

ROSA HIRJI, Co-President of Muslim Student Union, Santa Monica High School
