
Flights Out of Long Beach Airport

In response to your April 5 article, the citizens of Long Beach should understand that their community and their livelihoods are being held hostage by these few self-serving special-interest groups.

The airport didn’t hide when houses were built around it. The homeowners near the airport saved thousands of dollars by buying close to a noisier commercial area. Should the entire city suffer a major loss of income so that a few residents can gain an unwarranted windfall because they’ve managed to close the airport?

A high school economics class will learn that a community that is able to attract more income than it spends will thrive. Conversely, a community that chases business away also chases jobs and income away. Soon such a community becomes a ghetto. Are the neighbors living adjacent to the Long Beach Airport proud that they have been successful in helping to kill the lifeblood of the city? Hasn’t the loss of the Disney development and the loss of the naval base been enough? The next loss will undoubtedly be the very symbol of the city, the Queen Mary.


Before it’s too late, the citizens of Long Beach and the City Council had better become a bit more concerned about helping the airport and the other amenities that attract business.


