
STUDIO CITY : Speakers to Debate Police Reform Issue

Charter Amendment F, the June 2 ballot measure that would give City Hall more authority over the Los Angeles Police Department, will be debated tonight at a meeting sponsored by the Studio City Residents Assn.

A chance to ask questions will follow the debate. Association President Tony Lucente said the group is holding the debate because “Charter Amendment F is really at the heart of the police reform measures and there’s a number of issues which are especially relevant in light of the recent riots.”

The measure is based on Christopher Commission recommendations to give City Hall greater authority over the police chief, limit the chief to two five-year terms and strengthen citizen control of the city’s Board of Police Commissioners.


Speaking in favor of the amendment will be Janice Kamenir-Reznik, representing Citizens for Law Enforcement and Reform.

William Violante, president of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, will speak against the amendment as will Howard Ekerling, co-chairman of Citizens for Integrity and Viability in the City Charter.

The public is invited to the 8 p.m. debate in the Carpenter Avenue School auditorium, 3909 Carpenter Ave., Studio City.
