
Illegal Immigration

This past year, the carnage occasioned by the illegal alien business in traffic accidents and violence directed at illegal aliens, (though reduced by government measures such as the fence), continues. We essentially have an open border. WHY?

The usual platitudes by the opposing sides of the issue of illegal immigration seem to be missing the core of the matter. That core is this: Who is making all the money off of the mostly poor disenfranchised Mexican peasants as they trek north? And what about all the money extorted from those same folks as they travel from their homes in the interior?

If you put a calculator to the numbers and using Roberto Martinez’s method of computation, the local economics look like this: Average payment to a “coyote” (smuggler) is $250 per person per attempt. Estimated number of attempts per year: 1,000,000.


Two-hundred-and-fifty-million dollars is a lot of cash to be dumped into the Tijuana economy. That’s the real reason the border is open.

