
Temple City : Density Limits Adjusted

Rejecting a staff recommendation to raise the number of units per acre allowed in the city’s high- and medium-density residential zones, the council has recommended that the Planning Commission consider lowering the limits.

The council voted unanimously last week to reduce the number of units that can be built, from 18 to 15 per acre on lots zoned for high-density, but split 3 to 2 on lowering the limit from 12 to 10 per acre on medium-density lots.

Mayor Bobbie McGowan and Councilwoman Mary L. Manning said they would prefer to reduce the medium-density limit to nine.


The proposal to increase the number of units allowed on high-density lots would have helped the city meet its low- and moderate-income housing goal, which was assigned by the Southern California Assn. of Governments. But, due in part to crowding in the city’s schools, the council said--in Manning’s words--”They (the association) can go to hell.”
