
Trolley Security

In response to the article (Aug. 8) “Concern for Trolley Security Rises,” I think the proposal by the San Diego Sheriff’s Dept. to take over trolley security for $2 million a year is a bargain. Sheriff’s deputies have the power to make arrests and are not limited to law enforcement on the trolley or on the trolley stations. At the Market and 12th trolley station, drug sales initiate and can consummate off the pedestrian island where trolley personnel have no authority. From our storefront, we witness trolley security personnel watching drug sales and use within a few feet of their jurisdiction. This is ridiculous. If they cannot be given the authority to bust these criminals, then turn the responsibility of policing this trolley problem over to the Sheriff’s Department.

If cutting back service means increased security, then cut back service. It not, then raise the fares to provide safety for the communities around these stations.

TOD B. FIROTTO, President, San Diego Restaurant Supply
