
And She Thought Murphy Had Labor Pains

So English and her husband turned their backs on a $50-million financing and distribution deal to produce a non-union show. Well, as a 27-year veteran of Local 683, IATSE, should I start applauding now? I cannot in good conscience watch “Love & War” or support its advertisers.

Like the people Cerone writes about who don’t make $25,000 a week, I’m just trying to make a living. And yes, I have medical benefits--the best, because the motion picture industry has always taken care of its own people in this regard.

But let English start using non-union crews and you’ll see a decline in medical benefits for union and non-union workers as other producers follow suit under the guise of “saving money.”

She affords collective bargaining agreements with the writers, actors and directors, because they are powerful guilds that would not work the show without them.


And then, of course, there is the basic reason for using a non-union crew-- greed .


Los Angeles
