
A summary of significant Los Angeles City...

A summary of significant Los Angeles City Hall decisions affecting the Westside in the last week.


REAL TO REEL: Approved a proposal to sublease additional office space at 6922 Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood from Real to Reel Inc. for the staff of the city’s Motion Picture and Television Division. The cost is $1,011 a month for 1,104 square feet.

CUL-DE-SAC: Approved spending $50,000 in gas tax funds to buy land and build a cul-de-sac at the end of Arbolada Drive south of Los Feliz Boulevard in the Los Feliz area. The action will prevent motorists from using private driveways to turn around and city vehicles from being forced to back down the street to exit.


ENVIRONMENTAL GRANT: Approved a proposal by council President John Ferraro to allow officials to apply for a state grant that would be used to pay for the Miracle Mile Wilshire Beautification Project, which will include landscaping, irrigation and lighting between Sycamore and Fairfax. The deadline to apply for the funds is Nov. 30.

LAYOFFS: Councilwoman Ruth Galanter has introduced a proposal aimed at preventing the proposed layoff of 76 Department of Building and Safety personnel in order to save $4 million during the current budget crisis. Galanter is proposing an increase in the fees for building and safety inspections by the department.


How Westside representatives voted on selected issues.

SETTLEMENT 1: Approved spending $288,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by a bus driver for the Southern California Rapid Transit District who was injured when her bus was struck by a Los Angeles Fire Department delivery truck driver in June, 1989. Because of her injuries, she can no longer work as a bus driver. Passed: 10-0.


VOTING YES: Marvin Braude, John Ferraro, Nate Holden, Michael Woo and Zev Yaroslavsky. Ruth Galanter and Mark Ridley-Thomas were absent.

SETTLEMENT 2: Approved spending $27,500 to settle a claim by a 24-year-old woman who was injured when a car in which she was a passenger was struck by a police vehicle in April, 1991, at Lincoln Boulevard and the Marina Freeway in Marina del Rey. The woman, an actress, said that because of her injuries, she was unable to work for nearly nine months. Passed: 10-0. Voting yes: Braude, Ferraro, Holden, Woo and Yaroslavsky. Galanter and Ridley-Thomas were absent.

CHRISTMAS PARADE: Approved supporting the annual Hollywood Christmas Parade, scheduled for Sunday, by waiving all fees and costs with the exception of insurance “within budgetary constraints.” Passed: 11-1.


VOTING YES: Braude, Ferraro, Holden, Ridley-Thomas and Woo. Yaroslavsky voted no. Galanter was absent.

TAX INCENTIVES: Approved a proposal to support state legislation to reduce by 50% the amount of state taxes owed by businesses affected by the civil unrest. The move is to encourage these businesses to rebuild. Passed: 12-0.

VOTING YES: Galanter, Ferraro, Holden, Ridley-Thomas, Woo and Yaroslavsky. Braude was absent.
