
‘Old Boy’ Club at Work Again

When I joined the Ventura County Taxpayers Assn. in November, 1992, I did so because of the service this group provided the taxpayer. It was my understanding that this was a “guardian” group which represented all taxpayers within the county. Through recent media reports, I am now aware that the membership consists largely of prominent individuals whose businesses are dependent upon interaction with the county.

It was due to Jere Robings’ leadership and reports of the taxpayers association’s efforts to bring the county officials’ total compensation to light that I joined. After all, we taxpayers have a right to know what our employees are paid.

But Taxpayer President Lindsay Nielson states that the group does not wish to be “a butt kicking group.” The only “butt kicking” I have heard about is the county officials kicking the collective butts of the taxpayers. It also seems the Taxpayers Assn. seeks a more “diplomatic” leader, because they do not wish to appear “political.” If being “political” means hanging tough when the heat is on, maybe we should all be a bit more “political.”


