
The First Family : Life With Bill, a Pop Culture Guide, Part I: Meet the New Cast of White House Characters and Their Closest Kin . . .


Socks: White House cat. Most photographed feline since Morris. Terrified of the President, according to astrologer Sydney Omarr.

Bill Clinton: Certified fan of both Fleetwood and Big Macs. Fifth southpaw to become President. Ex-brunet. Has never “inhaled.”

Hillary Rodham Clinton: Chocolate-chip cookie whiz. Another ex-brunette. Big on children’s rights--unless it’s Chelsea’s right to have pierced ears.


Chelsea Clinton: Named for song “Chelsea Morning.” Ballet lover. Former player on dentist-sponsored softball team called Molar Rollers.

Richard and Virginia Kelley: The latest in a series of Clinton stepfathers married Virginia in 1986; he’s a retired food broker. Bill’s thrice-widowed mom, an ex-nurse, likes to bet on racehorses, listen to Elvis.

Hugh Rodham: Hillary’s pop. Former owner of textile manufacturing company in Chicago; retired to Little Rock, Ark.


Dorothy Rodham: Hillary’s mom. Homemaker. Reportedly sad when Sandra Day O’Connor beat Hillary to the Supreme Court.

Roger Clinton: Bill’s black-sheep half-brother. Aspiring rock star. Has definitely “inhaled.” Busted on cocaine charges in 1980s; now has contract with Atlantic Records.

Anthony and Hugh Jr. Rodham: Hillary’s baby brothers, known as “The Boys,” live in Florida. Into playing golf in the dark. Joined Bill and Hillary on their honeymoon. Hugh’s an attorney; Anthony, a private eye.


Sources: People magazine, Reuters, Chicago Tribune and interviews
