
Merged Rail and Bus Systems

In response to “Perspective on Metro Rail: Red Line Should Follow Wilshire,” Commentary, Jan. 27:

Timely decisions must be made in the development of any transit system. A decision was made eight years ago to prohibit tunneling between Wilshire and Crenshaw and Wilshire and Fairfax because of a perceived danger from methane gas. This decision saved the federal support for this project.

The civil disturbances of last spring should be a poignant reminder of what happens when minority neighborhoods are neglected. Ethnically diverse communities cannot continue to be ignored in the process of urban renewal and the development of transit systems. The Pico/San Vicente alignment will provide services to a broad and ethnically diverse community composed of Asians, Latinos and African-Americans who traditionally have been underserved.


Our Metro system must move forward in a timely fashion; we cannot continue to fight over alignments to satisfy those groups that are not totally pleased.


D-Los Angeles
