
VIEWPOINT MIGHTY DUCK LETTERS : Will Team Be Mickey Mouse or More of a Magic Kingdom?

Living in Huntington Beach and attending 20-25 Kings games a season, I was thrilled to hear that Anaheim got an NHL franchise. I couldn’t wait to order season tickets. But then, Michael Eisner announced the name and destroyed all hope. The Mighty Ducks. All to promote a mediocre movie that three years from now when the team is still here (and probably still losing) will be long forgotten.

Hockey is speed, guts, hitting, bleeding and cursing. Some even on the ice. Cutesy names have no place in the tradition and history of the NHL. I, for one, will continue to make the drive to the Forum. Any real hockey fan could not hold his head up in public and say with pride, “Yes, I’m a Mighty Ducks of Anaheim season ticket-holder.”


Huntington Beach
