
VAN NUYS : Elderly Man Charged in Woman’s Beating

The district attorney’s office Thursday charged an 89-year-old Van Nuys man with attempted murder in the severe beating of his elderly roommate, even though prosecutors are not sure if he is competent to defend himself.

John Bautista Murano was taken into custody early Wednesday morning after police were called to a house in the 13900 block of Wyandotte Street. In the bedroom, 83-year-old Mary Leo was found with multiple injuries.

“We have no idea what prompted it,” said Deputy Dist. Atty. Robert L. Cohen, who filed the charges.


Leo suffered a broken vertebra, a crushed eye socket, a broken leg and arm, and a severe injury to her scalp. A spokesman at Northridge Hospital Medical Center said Leo is in critical condition in the intensive-care unit.

Murano moved into the house 12 years ago, about three years after Leo’s husband died, police said.

Cohen said a bloody, three-foot hardwood stick--the apparent weapon--was recovered at the scene.


Murano pleaded not guilty to the attempted-murder charge in Municipal Court Thursday. Commissioner Rebecca Rochman set bail at $1 million and scheduled a preliminary hearing for May 24.
